
Connecting you to your faith

Mobible is a chatbot that helps connect your faith with you, your life and your community based on church teachings and knowledge decoded from the scripture.

What is the problem?

Maintaining religious practice in a busy and increasingly digital life poses challenges for people who may struggle to see the value in attending a more traditional church ceremony or adhering to the church’s existing cultures. However, they still keep their faith and want to live by it. People may also find that translating religious teachings into practical guidance for life can be demanding. The pace of change in society poses regular challenges to the church’s position, forcing them to adjust and adapt their interpretations of scripture to keep  harmony between moral teachings and modern life

How Mobible responds

Mobible decodes scripture and uses that as the foundation for a chatbot that can be tailored by your church’s teachings. Each congregant can have conversational guidance whenever they want, which can guide them through their thoughts on anything that’s on their mind.

Ask the Bible:
People can ask the Holy Bible whatever they need and be supported through their difficult situations. Mobible has decoded the scriptures with expert support from religious leaders so each person can enter into conversation with their religion. They can follow their denomination or their specific group.

Pray together:
Mobible supports people through their prayer sessions either individually or as collectives. It shows people their stats about how much they have prayed and helps them recognise patterns and form new rituals.

Connect your leaders:
Mobible connects people with their leaders so they are easier to book time with to speak to for advice or confession, and it allows them to pass on their teachings through the app if people have missed a service or simply so that faith can be more present in their everyday life rather than just once a week.

Donation management:
Through the app, people can donate to their community, the wider church or any other causes they wish to through the Donation Management system that connects to people’s accounts. People can pay single amounts, pay by round-up on all their  small transactions or by direct debit.

Connect to your community:
Using the community page, people can post a message to everyone from their church who is in the area, whether they need a hand with something or just have something to say about the last service together. This can also expand out to connect with people from other churches or other faiths.

Learn about other religions:
In any interactions with the Mobible chatbot, users can also cross-reference teachings from other denominations and other religions to see how they would respond to the same issues. In doing so, people can see the similarities and differences in an attempt to promote tolerance.

Find out how we did a ‘backcasting of the value propositions’.
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What we

We demonstrated a low fidelity prototype of Mobibleto high-need users and this is what we learned:

  • We found that people saw many opportunities for their church to capitalise on modern formats of interaction to expand what the church could offer, break down boundaries and create more free, open spaces for conversation. 
  • While there was concern about the authority or authorship of the service, it posed exciting new ways to explore their relationship to faith.

Emerging topics from this proposition are around:

  • the way that congregations are connected or disconnected how the proposition poses challenges to the unusual dynamics of agency within faith experiences.

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Service Visions

Pocket Jesus

Pocket Jesus is an application that codifies the Christian faith and quantifies your religious practice.
Find out how we ‘Discussed the implications of the prototypes’.
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Faith Platforms

Underlying this concept is a proposal that can bring together, under one platform, different faiths or at least denominations of faith.Theoretically, using Machine Learning and AI the bible and scripture could be decoded and analysed to serve as the foundation for church knowledge and guidance. Because different churches interpret the scripture differently, there would need to be customisations to how the service represents each church’s teachings. t In this way, it divides the teachings into different arrangements of interpretation, but the common platform of the service would allow people to see windows into other interpretations.

This could mean that as you move through your faith experience, gradually learning about your church’s teaching and other church’s teaching ,you may shift and move and find other teaching’s more in line with your own values. In doing so, you may consequently have more freedom to follow those principles instead. In which case, would you leave your physical church and community entirely? Or do those elements serve a different purpose? How might this freedom to move between churches with different interpretations influence people’s relationship with the church and its role in people’s lives or influence the significance of the specific nature of people’s beliefs?


Church community

Many of those we spoke with talked about the importance of the church ‘family’, which brings them immense security, a place where everyone knows you well and can support you. But even those who talk fondly about this community, convey issues with expressing their views or talking about taboo topics because there is also a status associated with the purity of someone’s ethics and sophistication of their religious knowledge. They felt that this climate prevents dialogue and that potentially having other domains for conversation could help make the community more honest and connected. They also described how the other ‘community tools’ in the proposition could help bring people together to support each other whether they are of the same faith or not. But the fact they have faith in some way may bring them a sense of security and commonality, which could promote religious tolerance.



This service brings religious authority into people’s lives in a more integrated way and would claim to give more specific guidance to people’s circumstances. Some of our participants felt very strongly that this could lead to too much power in the hands of too few people, particularly with a potential escalation in the amount of data collected about people and the increased capacity for manipulating people based on that data. However, they also felt that the ability to see other examples of religious leadership may mean that people feel less obligated to their leaders. Overall, they felt that even though people may have more freedom, discussing ethics with an algorithmic interpretation of your faith with specific connection to your issues could give religious teachings more authority than they should have.


Exchanging agency

Some participants argued that part of what is important about being religious is relinquishing some of their agency and control in their life in submission to god. They described this as an exchange whereby reducing their agency relieves their dependency on externalities in their life that they can’t control. That choice to be less in control puts control in God, but ostensibly in the hands of the church and could therefore potentially be corrupted like many other organisations. If Mobible had enough authority, it could encourage the surrendering of even more agency. Would this make people happier? Could the closer integration of faith in people’s lives help them adopt teachings into everyday life and therefore become more independent of the church?

Another perspective in this discussion is that some people described faith as being about a relationship with God, which requires an ongoing self-discovery and a constant search for understanding about themselves and their place in God’s world. This portrays the ‘exchange of agency’ in a much more balanced light that empowers the follower. Within this alternative perspective, would Mobible help people understand themselves? Or does it corrupt the nature of people’s relationship with God and treat decisions as transactions of knowledge rather than self-reflection.

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Empath assesses and builds student’s social intelligence and empathy for other people through in-school, personalised, immersive story-telling.



Kinderpendent helps you understand how balanced your child’s online exposure is to challenging social topics and perspectives and manages that exposure through intelligent balancing and censorship tools and offers advice and support for parents and children while navigating big topics.

Our new direction of exploration

If this proposition is taken further, the strategic question of relevance to our investigations is more along the lines of:

How can faith platforms be created in a manner that would promote religious tolerance, support communities and create empowering dynamics without fostering disproportionate power imbalances or distorting people’s relationship with God?

Related to ‘Mobible’


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Dimensions of change


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.


Connecting you to your faith

Technologies that can alter core beliefs could be used to design people’s lifestyles and characteristics to optimise their wellbeing. Wellbeing could be co-opted to suit a corrupt agenda.

How the scenario could unfold

In this scenario, we depict the convergence of two potential themes:

  • The first is about the ammassing and abusing of power. If we consider that captological power (persuasive technological power) may begin to be implemented in increasingly advanced ways and more pervasively, we can anticipate an increased capacity for companies to alter your beliefs. At the same time, platform monopolies converge multiple facets of our lives gleaning ever more control over the world and powerful political figures flagrantly lying to their own advantage. These potential trends could raise the level of public distrust in services and leadership.
  • The second theme depicts a rise in populism that promotes isolationism, nationalism and frequently scapegoats people perceived as different.. Should this prevail we may see groups such as migrants become ever more marginalised. In this context, disconnection and distrust are rife and people may look for new ways to find trustworthy authentic experiences.

We consider the significance of this context from the perspective of a future character who we created based on our research with real people.

Find out how we ‘created the framework for future thinking’.
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What might that mean for Gabriel?

For someone like Gabriel, whose spirituality is about authentic connection, they may find that social discord and constant manipulation threaten his capacity for happiness. We can explore how services may evolve around these needs to support him or bring even more complications.

Happiness is stillness. It is about quiet, calm, and connection with yourself and the universe.

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Pragmatic collectives

Distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues may result in the adoption of individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Born in France but raised in London, Gabriel has always felt slightly out of place. Growing up, he felt more at home exploring Richmond Park and at university he surrounded himself with positive news to avoid stress. It wasn’t until he was introduced to Buddhist practices and learned that his mind and body were connected that he began to feel an inner self-awareness and sense of peace.

For people like Gabriel, happiness is neither positive nor negative: it is a state of balance in between. They aim to be content, wanting neither more nor less than they need. They value living at a slower pace in order to genuinely connect with people and appreciate the moments they live.

His goal

Gabriel wants to minimise his desires and wants and avoid overstimulation. Balancing his mental and physical health and removing active worries and suffering by focusing on authentic connection to other people and the world beyond him and his own personal desires.

For people like Gabriel, finding a meaningful and authentic connection to themselves, the planet and the people around them seems increasingly hard as manipulative powers grow around them.

Explorations in ‘Scarce authenticity’

We explore the future in this scenario by looking for potential points of friction between this context of scarce inauthenticity and the needs of someone like Gabriel. These explorations are outlines of services that act as emerging spaces for solutions or as spaces to explore the problems and provocations elicited by the services.



Genuinee is an app that makes the ethics of everything transparent. By Codifying the product you want to buy, Genuinee recognises the level of ethics, authenticity and evil a product conceals. The app also provides data visualisation of your activity and spirituality profile and corrections of bad behaviours and actions that don’t match your ethics.

Team: The Lab

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Ethos learns, tracks and guides people’s behaviours to help them live more in line with their values and beliefs.

Find out how we ‘Conducted studio explorations’.
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The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect creates opportunities for strangers to share delightful experiences with people from different cultures, laying the foundation for increased empathy and stronger local support networks.

Shiting Zhou
Tianjie Meng
Wing Yee Chung
Yuewen Yu
Sarayu Agarwal
Helene Benz

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Greencoin tracks your environmental impact. When you have a positive impact you earn Greencoin currency which can be spent on sustainable products.

Find out how we ‘Crafted service concepts’.
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Emerging topics

In these explorations, we can see how services may emerge to redevelop authentic interactions with the world. This may be about supporting people to put their trust in the right places and subsequently drive organisations to be trustworthy or about forging connections based on mutual desire for social cohesion.

We can see that while services like Genuinee allow people to navigate a plethora of confusing moral choices in commercial environments, it still falls into some of the same issues of trustworthiness. It proposes a centralised and unified perspective on what is right and wrong, seemingly allowing no variation in belief and still ultimately represents a set of value judgements that need to be made by an unknown entity that could easily have its own agenda in such a commercial realm. Significantly, what may emerge in this scenario are new mechanisms that enable people to place trust in other entities’ judgments or alternatively, new opportunities for people to choose from an array of known ethical leaders.

With regard to meeting people’s need to form social connections, we might see an emergence of services that create alternative types of authentic experience between people who may otherwise have been near strangers. In this way, each individual is co-producing an experience for the other by singularly representing ‘society’ and being willing to ‘connect’.

In each angle of this scenario, we see services and people strive for authenticity in the way they connect and the underlying intent with which they make exchanges (be it social or commercial). We may see new mechanisms for creating and enabling these types of ‘genuine’ experiences.

Related to ‘Mobible’


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Dimensions of change


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.


Connecting you to your faith

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the world. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into and it may be unclear what is a religious practice and what is an organisational/commercial service.

How the scenario could unfold

In the future, we may see an increase in division among society as populism and online bubbles foster more extreme or inflexible standpoints, shifting the focus to  differences and blame, rather than similarities between people. This division may be aggravated by churches or it may be seen as an objective for them to help heal communities.

At the same time, there may be increasing pressure on religious institutions to denounce teachings that are incompatible with modern culture. Such as traditional religious perspectives on the morality of gender equality or LGBTQIA+ rights. Modernisation may cause followers to question their faith or church or it may help win people’s approval. 

The styling of religious experiences may go further. In recent decades, tens of millions of Roman Catholic Latin Americans have embraced Pentecostal Protestantism, in part because of its ability to adapt to the culture. For instance, it has successfully absorbed Latin American culture and music far better than Catholicism has in four centuries. Moreover, Pentecostal Protestantism focuses on faith healing, which drives many people to the religion in times of ill-health. These examples demonstrate how the malleability of religious institutions helps them survive. 

We can also consider a continuation in the trend of ‘mega-churches’, which adopt commercial business models and tactics to spread their message further. So, we find a potential scenario where religions are more needed than ever for stability and social cohesion, but are faced with decisions about staying firm or adapting, styling and competing in a modern and dynamic world.

Find out how we ‘Learned from extreme users’.
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What might that mean for Jean?

For someone like Jean, whose life is valued based on its alignment to his religious values and beliefs, threats to the church represent threats to him. We explore how services may evolve around these needs to support him or bring even more complications

Happiness is stillness. It is about quiet, calm, and connection with yourself and the universe.

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Pragmatic collectives

Distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues may result in the adoption of individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Jean is a cleaner. He wakes up early in the morning to travel all over south London for work. When he finishes his day, he picks up his kids from school and spends the ride home asking them about what they learned. On the weekends, he takes the kids to the park to spend quality time with nature, away from technology. On Sundays, he brings his family to the church where he finds acceptance and belonging in shared values. He had to change churches recently because he felt it’s teachings were being diluted.

For people like Jean, their happiness rests in an exchange with God. As long as they love and fear God, the world will respond accordingly. ‘As long as you fear God, you are ok’. Entwined with this, there are responsibilities to keep the local community strong, be thankful for what they have, and avoid short term temptations.

His goal

For Jean it is critical to stay connected to God, living in line with the teachings of the church and to provide for others in the community. Providing helps his status amongst the congregation, and helps him feel a part of the community

For people like Jean their concern is that the world is threatening their belief structures and challenging their core values. Some churches are adapting, but what does that say about their values and their spirituality?

Explorations in ‘Religious malleability’

We explore the future in this scenario by looking for potential points of friction between this context of religious malleability and the needs of someone like Jean. These explorations are outlines of services that act as emerging spaces for solutions or as spaces to explore the problems and provocations elicited by the services.

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Mobible is a chatbot that helps connect your faith with you, your life and your community based on church teachings and knowledge decoded from the scripture.


Pocket Jesus

Pocket Jesus is an application that codifies the Christian faith and quantifies your religious practice. By codifying Christian practice and rules, it can correlate your practice with your life and happiness to bring your values more in line with your life. The service links teachings to the nature and subject of your prayer as well as offering new ways for you to donate and for church leaders to manage congregations.

Team: The Lab

Find out how we ‘Conducted lab explorations’.
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VR Religious experiences

On VR Religious Experiences, you can subscribe to the channel that partly funds your church. The best VR religious experiences are here: You can have access to multiple channels divided by religion and hundreds of denominations. You can access experiences you could never have done otherwise, bringing you closer to your community, your faith and your God.

Team: The Lab

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Service visions


Portal allows you to experience other people’s life experiences through VR and the people who live the experience for you.
Find out how we ‘Crafted future service concepts’.
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APPostle is an app powered by machine learning that is trained to track your activity and to stop you if you are doing something against your religion. It can codify your beliefs, monitor your alignment with and visualise your spirituality profile. The app makes suggestions and corrections to bad behaviours and actions against your religion.

Team: The Lab

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Yolt is a community building app that orchestrates group meetings online and offline by matching people based on the potential quality of a conversation not simply based on being similarly minded.

Find out how we ‘Visualised and prototyped’ Far future service concepts.
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Emerging topics

In this set of explorations we are asked to consider a course of events where faith organisations may use technologies that become the norm in other areas of life to entwine with people’s lives in deeper ways. This could be seen as a protective response by faith groups to protect their value and connection to people’s lives.

It may equally be plausible that faiths adopt new, less dominant positionalities in people’s lives. If we consider in this scenario that faith groups may reach further into people’s lives to protect their role in a world of dynamic modernisation, we can interpret this response as a way to understand people’s lives and move forward with them, constantly staying present, relevant and in tune with shifting wants, desires and values. Or, alternatively we can see it as a way to protect a more robust religious stance by controlling perspectives.

In either scenario, people become more vulnerable to manipulation. If a person’s ethics and values are structured by an institution, then it already has vast power. But, if it can monitor and influence daily actions then people become even more controllable.

t is also plausible that for some people this closer connection to their faith will bring far greater happiness. By knowing and understanding the teachings better and being able to more consistently connect their behaviours with their ethics and values, they may feel more spiritually fulfilled, socially connected to their community and, depending on the teachings of the faith, it may also bring greater social cohesion.

These explorations in future faith practice represent important questions about power, about the potential of strong leadership to connect or divide society, and about how integrating external faith voices into daily life could make people feel challenged or supported and validated.

Related to ‘Mobible’


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Dimensions of change


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.


Connecting you to your faith

Outright distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues such as climate change, could cause a rejection of previous models of value and the adoption of mass individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.

How the scenario could unfold

In this context, three main circumstances might align. We see the potential for growing distrust in organisations such as faith institutions, government and large companies.  This may lead to the search for new forms of collective where people can find security to follow each other’s lead, without fear of coercion and with the belief that they are doing the right things.

As more companies extend the meaning of their brand values into concise social, environmental and political aspects of life, these companies may also adopt ‘anti-establishment’ positions and align with collectives in new ways to bring advanced infrastructures to their cause.

While people may be distrustful of some organisations, many could continue to become accustomed to sharing data. Therefore, the idea of quantifying the implications of your actions may be acceptable to people if the cause was right or the value to them was high enough.

So, we may encounter a scenario in which people are looking for new pragmatic models of collectivism. Under these models, they can come together in advanced ways to take small actions in their life to resolve the issues they see around them and do the right thing. These new structures may entwine with people’s values and beliefs and form alternative spiritual models.

We consider the significance of this context from the perspective of a future character who we created based on our research with real people.

Find out how we ‘Created the framework for future thinking’.
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What might that mean for Edward?

For someone like Edward, whose values and beliefs are not formed by anyone but himself, acting in the world in a way that brings him happiness without being irresponsible is increasingly challenging. We explore how services may support him or bring even more complications.

Happiness is stillness. It is about quiet, calm, and connection with yourself and the universe.

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Pragmatic collectives

Distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues may result in the adoption of individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Edward loves his job because he’s ambitious and through his work he feels he’s able to contribute to the world. t His non-standard schedule frees him up to spend more nights out, hooking up, seeing friends or playing board games. The future of the planet is a genuine concern for him because he feels there’s little he can do and he sees no-one else doing anything either. He struggles to balance his ideas of stewardship over the planet with how much he loves travelling in his spare time. He wants his life on the planet to have a positive impact, not a negative one.

For people like Edward, happiness is about having control because it allows them to make the decisions that make them happy. They are happiest when their short term and long term goals are aligned, like having a career that gives them control over their lives but also contributes something to the world.

His goal:

His goal is to always be able to embrace and explore his present and singular life without having a negative impact on the world.

Edward’s struggle rests in the fact that his happiness requires him to pragmatically have a positive impact on the world, but he has no faith in existing structures of power, only in collectives of individuals.

Explorations in ‘Pragmatic collectives’

We explore the future in this scenario by looking for potential points of friction between this scenario of pragmatic collectivism and the needs of someone like Edward. These explorations are outlines of services that act as emerging spaces for solutions or as spaces to explore the problems and provocations elicited by the services.

Find out how we ‘Conducted lab explorations’.
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Greencoin is an ethically earned currency and shared personal rating system that is based on your sustainable footprint. Greencoin monitors the products you buy, transport you use and your energy consumption habits. GreenCoin means you earn on environmentally friendly purchases and actions and lose from your Greencoin wallet for any damaging purchases.

Team: The Lab

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Live Services


Quirk is a personal finance app that helps young people learn about and manage their finances according to their personality and interests so that they can ultimately make better financial decisions that align with their life goals.

Find out how we ‘Conducted lab explorations’.
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A platform where football supporters contribute to their teams success by doing socially positive actions in their community. These actions are quantified, compared and competed over with other fans and other teams.

Team: The Lab

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Ethos learns, tracks and guides people’s behaviours to help them live more in line with their values and beliefs.

Emerging topics

In this set of explorations, we are asked to consider scenarios where new organisations might create guidance and incentives for people to act in accordance with their ethical frameworks and use advanced personal technology to monitor and manage the infrastructure.

We can foresee that the emergence of these services may be met with the very same scepticism that may help to produce them in the first place. Questions re-emerge around who has the authority to prioritise or determine a quantitative value for one ethical action against another and why those organisations would be incorruptible. We may see technologies like blockchain or democratic models like citizen assemblies being adopted to uphold transparency and robustly demonstrate trustworthiness. 

Should these issues be overcome, these new structures may give new power to social initiatives and support positive micro-actions by qualifying their value. It may be that these less partisan, more neutral models may even activate a broader church of people and promote local or even global cohesion.

In this potentially emerging space, people may still find it hard to know how to place their trust in ethical leadership. But, should this issue be allayed enough, people may begin to exercise a new level of collective power and pragmatically shape the world in new ways. Caution will still be required as no model will ever be perfect, and incorrectly celebrating behaviour could be equally irresponsible.

Related to ‘Mobible’


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Dimensions of change


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.

Would you like to know more?

Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.


Connecting you to your faith

Identity could grow more fluid as people gain more freedom to pursue the lifestyles of their choosing outside normative assumptions of race, nationality, sexuality, gender, age and more. More nuanced characteristics are supported by social media niches alongside AI that may raise self awareness to help you define what works for you.

How the scenario may emerge

There are many reasons why people’s identity could become more fluid. We have been witness to long term cultural battlegrounds around race, gender and sexuality.  Although there is a long way to go and the direction is not always correct, it could be argued that progress in some parts of western society has led to increased freedoms in expression and exploration of identity.

If we couple this with emerging trends in migration (which may rapidly expand in a climate crisis), remote working, and gig economies ,we can also see flexibility emerging in how people use their careers, location and nationalities to define who they are.

This ability to choose not only means that people can fulfil a previously suppressed side of themselves, but it means they can experiment to understand a broader foundation of what it means to be them. This pursuit of self-understanding may well be influenced or supported by the emergence of emotional AI that could enhance our self-understanding by bringing us sophisticated insights about our character and patterns in collective identities.

While this fluidity is defined by a relaxation of what it means to be a part of strongly defined demographics, those demographics still demarcate differences in power that mean this freedom will inevitably be less available to some.

We consider the significance of this context from the perspective of a future character who we created based on our research with real people.

Find out how we ‘Learned from extreme users’.
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What might that mean for Sam?

For someone like Sam, whose identity is constantly being explored, the value of knowing yourself is built through changing yourself. We can explore how services may challenge or meet the needs of ‘fluid people’.

Happiness is stillness. It is about quiet, calm, and connection with yourself and the universe.

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Pragmatic collectives

Distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues may result in the adoption of individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Sam has been largely independent since they were 16 years old. They have now found a supportive and caring community among fellow LGBT+ people but they have to schedule and rotate time with friends from different parts of their life. They work as a mechanic with their uncle, they have football friends, work friends from the nightclub, uni friends where they study Physics, and church friends. In each environment, they like to represent slightly differently.

People like Sam are happy when they are free to embody different sides of themselves and whatever they’d like to be. Happiness comes from simple things like a well timed cup of tea  — it is a spectrum of different momentary states. While a lot of their happiness comes from being able to have the experiences they want, they still take value from purpose, like the role they take from being a part of a community at church or working with their uncle.

Their goal

Their goal is to understand themselves and be understood by others. They want to create control, purpose, and independence in their life and want to build new connections and relationships based on truly authentic self-expression.

Sam’s happiness is heavily impacted by the freedom they have to create authentic interactions between their true identity and the world around them.

Explorations in ‘Identity fluidity’

We explore the future by looking for potential points of traction between this scenario of identity fluidity and the needs of someone like Sam. These explorations are outlines of services that act as emerging spaces for solutions or as spaces to explore the problems and provocations elicited by the services.

Find out how we ‘Conducted lab explorations’.
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Sides of me

A platform that uses AI to monitor your emotions and behaviours, so you understand all the different sides of your character. It shows you how your character is related to people in different contexts and how you’re perceived by others.

Team: The Lab

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Mymes uses an understanding of people’s behaviour to create simulations of their future to help them make decisions and it distills different sides of their character to help them explore who they are.


Non-Dinary is an educational dining experience focused on the notion of gender as a construct. Non-Dinary approaches this conversation in an unconventional and lighthearted way to create a transformational journey for uninformed cisgender people to develop a greater understanding of gender non-conformity.The service also captures the level of comprehension about the wider spectrum of gender, the changes in gender acceptance geographically and over time and to better understand learning patterns to raise institutional awareness.

Francesco Cagnola
Kiran Dulay
Kun Qian
Luwen Zhang
Saumya Singhal
Yue Yu

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Service vision


Relate divides your relationship needs into multiple categories so they can be fulfilled by different people that are matched perfectly and arranged for you.
Find out how we ‘Crafted future service concepts’.
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Osmosis is an AI expression and reflection service that helps young people focus their attention on what deeply matters to them, using their aspirations as a lens to understand what beliefs and values are essential to developing their agency.

Declan Kickham
Timothy Worms

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Hold is an app that gives people the personal space to let out whatever is on their mind and relax knowing that it is stored safely.

Emerging topics

In this set of explorations, we were asked to consider scenarios where huge advances in AI mean that people may be understood by digital services better than they can themselves. Consistent data inputs about our emotional state and our actions can be cross referenced to give people new levels of insight that simply would not be achievable without regular monitoring and algorithmic analysis.

Within these visions, we can anticipate issues with how technology can define a person’s identity in a neutral, meaningful and nuanced way.  For example, if there were issues in our algorithms, the mirror they hold up to people may be inaccurate but unquestioned, which could potentially result in a multitude of side effects. As another example – if someone experiences something challenging in their life, an algorithm may confuse that as an entirely negative situation, and discourage them from continuing with it. In such a circumstance, people might rarely leave their comfort zones and the technology could corrupt someone’s understanding of themselves and alter their chosen course in life.

Beyond the conversation about AI led human understanding, we may also see the proliferation of services which respond to the adaptations of people’s identity. This may simply be provision of service in neutral ways or highly nuanced ways or they may blend a standard offering with a political and social message. They may go beyond services that consider and accommodate more fluid states of identity toward actively encouraging new levels of comprehension around a particular topic.

When viewed collectively, these explorations remind us that while technology may enhance some new found identity freedoms within ourselves, they will always exist in a complex world where other individuals and organisations have their own political agendas that may become increasingly vocal and perhaps not so fluid.

Related to ‘Mobible’


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

Dimensions of change


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery

The forces acting on ‘Spirituality’ in the future

Among the many forces influencing spirituality in the future we explore three areas.

There is the possibility that society and religious institutions could struggle to provide for people’s spiritual needs and in turn they may adopt new techniques to remain relevant or there may be a growth of new models of belief structures that fill their void. People may look to different contexts for tribes or value structures and their need for social belonging could influence belief structures.

Already emerging ‘bubbles’ of insulated and introspective belief systems could become more extreme, powerful and easy to control due to the technological and psychological power of the actors in these physical and increasingly digital spaces. As technology infiltrates more of people’s lives and the arsenal of tools that can be used to influence people becomes more and more sophisticated it could sway people’s perspective of right and wrong more and more and ultimately challenge people’s agency over their own beliefs.

Finally, people may fundamentally question what is worthy of their trust. Some may be increasingly aware of the potential for coercion, creating an increasingly impossible climate for trust that triggers disillusionment, the rejection of institutions, attempts of citizens to take back control, and potential cycles of populism.

With these potential forces acting on people’s spirituality, we explore three hypothetical scenarios: Pragmatic Collectives, Religious malleability and Scarce Authenticity.


Pragmatic collectives

Outright distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues such as climate change, could cause a rejection of previous models of value and the adoption of mass individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.

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Service visions


Greencoin is an ethically earned currency and shared personal rating system that is based on your sustainable footprint.
Find out how we ‘Explored the future landscape with the project client’.


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the world. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into; for instance, because it may become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.

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Service visions

Pocket Jesus

Pocket Jesus is an application that codifies the Christian faith and quantifies your religious practice. By codifying Christian practice and rules, it can correlate your practice with your life and happiness to bring your values more in line with your life.
Find out how we ‘Prioritised the societal dimensions related to health and happiness’.


Scarce authenticity

Technologies that can alter core beliefs could be used to design lifestyles and characteristics to optimise wellbeing. Wellbeing could be co-opted to suit a corrupt agenda.

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Service visions


Genuinee is an app that makes the ethics of everything transparent. By Codifying the product you want to buy, Genuinee recognises the level of ethics, authenticity and evil a product conceals.

Recommended readings



Ethos learns, tracks and guides people’s behaviours to help them live more in line with their values and beliefs.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.



Mobible is a chatbot that helps connect your faith with you, your life and your community based on church teachings and knowledge decoded from the scripture.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.