User Journey

Why is this tool useful?

This tool helps you identify how the users would experience your product. Take into consideration key phases including the moment they become aware of the service, the first and the continuing use until the moment they leave. Start from a low fidelity version, as you proceed you will include more detailed touchpoints and actions.

This Tool was used for:


Live Services


Hold is an app that gives people the personal space to let out whatever is on their mind and relax knowing that it is stored safely. It helps people give structure to their internal dialogue making self reflection become more effective.

Find this tool in:

Deliver Live Services

Unit 1: Developing services in-house.

Transforming the value propositions of the phase into live services to test their commercialisation in the market and their strategic value beyond monetisation.

Let's Talk!

Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.