Phase: Services
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
Sector analysis is an assessment of the economic and financial condition and prospects of a given sector of the economy. Sector analysis serves to provide an investor with a judgment about how well companies in the sector are expected to perform. Sector analysis is typically employed by investors who specialise in a particular sector, or who use a top-down or sector rotation approach to investing. In the top-down approach, the most promising sectors are identified first, and then the investor reviews stocks within that sector to determine which ones will ultimately be purchased.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool is used to help you monitor and refine your attraction and retention efforts. As you try different promotion, onboarding and retention techniques in the early stages of launching the service, collect data about distinct periods where different approaches have been employed and use this tool to determine what was most successful.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool helps you minimise the cost of your main advertising campaign when you launch the service by running preliminary advert testing.
Design different adverts that test variations in your advertising strategy. Create variables in things like the problem you present, the framing of the solution, the users you target, the image you display or the text and calls-to-action.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool helps you visualise the concept and figure out possible faults and improvements on the user experience. Feel free to outline different users and develop related stories and multiple paths in which the user could interact with the service. This will help you disclose more divergent objectives and refine your service proposition in order to comply with those objectives.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool is used to give an overview of the quantitative results from the experiment
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool is used to summarise the qualitative engagement of a single participant during the trial after your interviews.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool is designed to help you distinguish the key participants in your experiment and operationally plan its set up, including any variation of process for each participant type.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool helps you delineate key actions and touchpoints of each stage in your experiment, so that you can foresee what infrastructure is required to deliver the experiment smoothly. Depending on the complexity of your experiment you may choose to develop a more nuanced version of this map detailing precise actions and technical integrations.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool should help you define and express the positioning of your brand and service so that the service is distinguished from competitors and conveys the correct values to the user. Use one set of positioning tools for each positioning option.
After you define the positioning, use this tool to delineate the unique way you aim to deliver your promise to your customers, specifying key features and ways your users would interact with your product/service.
Sector Analysis
Why is this tool useful?
This tool helps you identify the main problems the users would experience in their current journey and structure objectives that could overcome these issues in your new service proposition.