Phase: Scenarios
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
For each scenario, brainstorm a question using the formula starting with “how might we.” These questions would make you consider how you could help young people feel more in control over their choices in the different contexts of identity, spirituality, work, body, relationships, and money.
This tool summarises the scenario and gives you space to respond to it with a reframed design challenge. Complete multiple quick versions of this tool and then refine it, or ideate design challenge questions straight onto your extreme scenarios (using post-its and then complete this once you’ve found the right challenge.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
This tool helps you bring together and consider the necessary ingredients to create a scenario from which you can later create design challenges. At first, use this tool to create multiple options for each persona and then later refine it until you have a scenario that you think will be meaningful.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
A user persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. A persona is generally based on this user research and incorporates the needs, goals, and observed behaviour patterns of your target audience.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
This tool helps you use insights from guerilla research and turn them into the foundation of your Far Future Personas. Once all the insights from the interviews have been reviewed, define some outline tags for each extreme of the dimension based one what you have read. Then, arrange these insights into distinct personas to begin to form the future characters.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
Once you have created a ‘near future design challenge’ tool for each of the dimensions of change you have addressed, use this information to create this overview. This tool summarises the challenges you are responding to for the near future persona.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
For each of the six societal dimensions, the lab team wanted to create a broad design challenge, looking at how they could support the user in the contexts they might face. For each of the scenarios, they brainstormed questions using the formula starting with “how might we.” These questions considered how they could help young people feel more in control over their choices in the different contexts of identity, spirituality, work, body, relationships, and money.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
A user persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. A persona is generally based on user research and incorporates the needs, goals, and observed behaviour patterns of your target audience.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
To conduct this type of guerilla research, you need to create questions that quickly allow people to express their relationship to broad topics, gradually go into more detail about issues and talk about themselves.
This project was broadly about happiness. For your project, you will need to adapt the questions to your broad topic of interest.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
Extreme users can be described as the people on either end of the spectrum of users of a product or service. The distribution of users of most products or services follows a bell curve, with the mainstream users in the centre and remaining ‘extreme users’ on either side of the peak.
Extreme Challenges Tools
Why is this tool useful?
Write a tweet acting either as the service owner or a key stakeholder. Putting yourself in the shoes of that person, try to describe the service or an outcome of the service.