Portfolio of Ideas

Explorations in the future of Happiness

What’s the portfolio of ideas?

The Lab — in collaboration with over 120 designers, associates and postgraduates— produced 92 scenarios, 56 service visions, 14 tested value propositions and launched 4 minimum viable services, leading to the creation and support of 2 new ventures to further develop and commercialise service offerings in partnership with RCA and Koa Health.

In the Ideas portfolio, you will find a catalogue of the full range of ideas that we have produced during the xploratory happiness project with Koa Health.

The portfolio also houses tangible artefacts, which we refer to as service visions. Alongside each idea, we describe some of the discussions and thinking that have stemmed from it.

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Excursions into future scenarios
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Present concepts of future
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Real emergent services responsive to the future
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Societal Dimensions of change.

These categories represent the lab’s interpretation of different aspects of happiness within people’s lives. They ensure that the lab explores scenarios, topics and the future needs of the people that they envisage.

Dimensions of change


Your relationship with your body may be pressurised but you could have more capacity than ever to control it.

Dimensions of change


The meaning of money may change as it is tied to our emotions, our communities and our responsibilities in a world that may blame capitalism for inequality and climate change.

Dimensions of change


Technology expands the scope and meaning of what relationships are while disrupting some existing dynamics. Relationships may be initiated, supported, curated and managed through AI.

Dimensions of change


Work becomes fluid, remote, unstable and performative The possibilities and challenges for working life continue to grow.

Dimensions of change


Values and beliefs could be strained by a mixture of people’s environment and self-discovery.

Dimensions of change


Self Identity is challenged, open for exploration and the building of character.

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Future Scenarios

These scenarios are composed of a future context that is based on the trend analysis and a concept of a future person who might have an extreme experience of a certain dimension of happiness.


Sidelined and connected communities

The elderly are sidelined but new tools could help connect them in communities and fight for a place in society.


Enhanced relationships

People may expand their freedoms to live how they like and subsequently have the types of relationships they like in a more transient but online world. New arrangements of relationship may be initiated, supported, or managed by AI and usher in even more radical concepts of relationships.


Digital Childhoods

Children may spend more of their time in online environments that can transform their educational and creative experiences but equally have increased capacity to captivate and shape their world view in potentially problematic ways.


Wealth legacy

In a world facing more and more turmoil and inequality, the super-rich may be held to account for their impact on the world and may be increasingly expected to use their wealth to support people who are disempowered or in peril.


Connected localism

Decentralised infrastructures may be adopted by ‘smart’ localised communities to provide an escape route for those who feel that larger, more traditional infrastructures always work to entrap the public.


Emotional money

AI could advance to levels that would allow sophisticated understanding of people’s emotions. If that information is coupled with financial behaviours or organisational objectives it could transform how value is assigned to our services and our experiences.


Self expansion

People have augmented capabilities that boost their productivity and skills and can become working machines that produce non-stop. For them the line of separation between work and home may fade and financial success could simply allow the purchase of more skills in order to earn more money in a dangerous cycle.


Work instability

Automation and climate change will cause huge turmoil in economies, people may be working online, based on their chosen field or “gig”, and move in search of better economic environments. Reputation will become ever more vital as people have to quickly and consistently re-establish themselves and we will see more online platforms supporting offline gig workers’ skills.


Blended Work-Home-Travel

The increased demand for workforces with flexible capacities alter the role of education as work and skills based training become intertwined. At the same time, geographic flexibility allows people to work remotely and we may see shifts in the relationship between people’s work-life, home-life and travel.


Smart ageing

People’s life expectancy may seem to perpetually extend without people really knowing when death may come, living with an ageing body will be a longer part of life and therefore illness is even more problematic. People may dedicate more of their life to extending their lives.


Structured Social Judgement

Constant social media judgement could lead to extended states of anxiety potentially making people attempt to perfect their outward appearance. Data could be collected against people’s will and without their knowledge and lead to further control over people’s behaviour.


Personal control

Devices quantify and measure all aspects of the people’s lives and body amplifying obsessive behaviours. People’s personal identity becomes more based on an idealised virtual version of oneself rather than your existing reality.


Scarce authenticity

Technologies that can alter core beliefs could be used to design lifestyles and characteristics to optimise wellbeing. Wellbeing could be co-opted to suit a corrupt agenda.


Religious malleability

Religious structures could feel unstable in their ethical foundations as they shift in reaction to threats from the World. It may be difficult to find a community to put your faith into because it could become difficult to distinguish between religious practice and an organisational/commercial service.


Pragmatic collectives

Distrust in the ability of governments and large organisations to offer genuine solutions to pressing issues may result in the adoption of individual action organised around new models of ethical priorities and infrastructures.

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Service Visions

Service Visions


Genesis forms your child however you’d like while also using gene curation to balance characteristics and avoid health issues.

Service Visions

Plan P

Plan P helps you transition and tailor everything in your life towards parenthood.

Service Visions

Child Share

Child share is a matching system based on the needs, experiences and characters of parent types that creates a parental network for your child.

Service Visions

Sides of Me

A platform that uses AI to monitor your emotions and behaviours, so you understand all the different sides of your character

Service Visions


Non-Dinary is an educational dining experience focused on the notion of gender as a construct.

Service Visions


Osmosis is an AI expression and reflection service that helps young people focus their attention on what deeply matters to them.

Service Visions


UBH is a universal government benefits system. It evolved from universal basic income & the recognition that happiness is the most important metric for success.

Service Visions

Little Things

A platform that rewards people who bring micro-doses of happiness to others, so that whatever you bring to the world, doesn’t go unnoticed.

Service Visions


Guru helps you build your well being using your money. It creates a learning loop that helps you align your financial behaviours with what makes you happiest.

Service Visions


Offchain is a toolkit for smart localisation that allows its communities to connect and access modernity without having to forgo their data privacy.

Service Visions


Vbay is a crowdfunding platform where wealthy people can personally buy items that vulnerable people or humanitarian organisations require.

Service Visions


Legacy helps wealthy people understand the impact they have had on the planet and shares the ways they have had a positive impact.

Service Visions

Happy Family

Happy family is a tool designed for your family that can track and censor every member’s digital activity and enhance digital safety and transparency.

Service Visions


Empath is a VR educational tool designed to build tolerance and empathy by helping children understand some of the inaccuracies they hold in their prejudice.

Service Visions


Playground offers a digitally augmented real-world playtime to enhance and encourage active imagination and defend a space for play in a cluttered world.

Service Visions


YaYa is your family’s digital network service that, connected to wearables and smart systems from your day to day life, helps parents get insights into their children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Service Visions

Family Jar

FamilyJar responds to the insight that families do not share digital experiences. Family Jar is a safe cloud environment where each family member can share things.

Service Visions


Integro is a service built to help gamers improve in-game and out of game well-being, based on a new rewards system

Sevice Visions

Pocket Jesus

Pocket Jesus is an application that codifies the Christian faith and quantifies your religious practice. The service links teachings to the nature and subject of your prayer.

Service Visions

VR Religious Experience

On VR Religious Experiences, you can subscribe to the channel that partly funds your church.

Service Visions


APPostle is an app powered by machine learning that is trained to track your activity and to stop you if you are doing something against your religion.

Service Visions


Genuinee is an app that makes the ethics of everything transparent. It also provides data visualisation of your activity and spirituality profile & corrections of bad behaviours and actions that don’t match your ethics.

Service Visions

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect creates opportunities for strangers to share delightful experiences with people from different cultures.

Service Visions


Greencoin is an ethically earned currency and shared personal rating system that is based on your sustainable footprint. It monitors the products you buy, transport you use and your energy consumption habits.

Service Visions


A platform where football supporters contribute to their teams success by doing socially positive actions in their community.

Service Visions

Digital Twin

Digital Twin is a tool used to measure real life activities and create a virtual projection of what could happen if you behave outside your routine and patterns.

Service Visions


Eatopia is a platform with the mission to support individuals on the journey to plant-based diets.

Service Visions


Eidos is a personal AI assistant that works with you to understand who you are and to create desired behaviour change over time.

Service Visions


Dignitime quantifies the life expectancy cost of all your actions and relates them to how happy they make you.

Service Visions


Portal allows you to experience other people’s life experiences through VR and the people who live the experience for you.

Sevice Visions

Perfect Friends

Perfect friends is a group of AI Agents that support your mental wellbeing with positive machine-learning-powered messages.

Service Visions

Diplomatic Mirror

Diplomatic mirror is a mirror powered by AI that assesses your level of beauty based on aesthetic standards developed algorithmically to be ‘democratic’.

Service Visions

Test Pilot

Test Pilot is an AI system that tries games and services and gives ratings on their addictiveness and potential for abuse.

Sevice Visions


On Digitox you can find a support network of digital dieticians that help you manage your dependency on digital experiences

Service Visions


Skai is a system where people can get personal recommendations on skincare products and receive tailored advice through AI chatbots.

Service Visions


Relover is an implant designed to alter your vision, so you can see different faces mapped onto the people around you.

Service Visions


Relate divides your relationship needs into multiple categories, so they can be fulfilled by different people that are matched perfectly and arranged for you.

Service Visions


Eros leverages artificial intelligence to enhance human-human romantic relationships for young adults already in them.

Service Visions


Dignifight is a union style platform for organising activism for the elderly to reshape society so it accommodates them fairly.

Service Visions


YOLT is an events organising algorithm that connects hosts, venues and people together to create amazing communities of diverse individuals.

Service Visions

Marco Polo

Marco Polo is the ‘workation’ agency for digital nomads. It’s able to match flights, accommodation and your working requirements to host your entire work and holiday combination experience

Service Visions

My home in a box

A premium shipping service for digital nomads to dispatch goods all over the world whenever and wherever you move to.

Service Visions


Colo is a personal assistant for self-employed people who work at home. It helps them find someone to work with who shares similar interests and lives nearby and helps you build a working routine.

Service Visions


Bridge offers a smart way to reliably make and expand your network leveraging AI and data collection

Service Visions


Prepare is an insurance service that assesses how vulnerable your current work and location is and helps you plan and take proactive decisions to prevent that.

Service Visions


Gig-off is a football league for gig-economy workers.

Service Visions


U-Path is an online service that aims to shift the mindset of learning to work, towards a mindset of working to learn.

Service Visions


‘Dough’ is a digital peer to peer discovery app that helps young people better understand themselves and others in the work world, so they find the right jobs.

Service Visions


Mirror helps young people find more fulfilling work lives by enabling personal development alongside their careers and involving lifestyle in job searches, unlike the many career networks that are solely career focused service.

Service Visions


Enlight is an online platform, which through a self-discovery game, a learning planner and a split public/private profile helps young people to make happier choices about their future,

Service Visions

Digital Drugstore

Digital drug store is a store specialised in augmentation technologies that can be installed on or into humans. The range of options is ever expanding.
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Proposition Types

Proposition Types

Need Commoditisers

The commoditisation of our needs and values to incentivise behaviour change. The advanced digitisation of our lives could result in the quantifying and subsequent unionisation of different aspects of behaviour and the values that drive them.

Proposition Types

Ethics Providers

Platforms as facilitators and brokers of value judgements. It’s possible that in the future we could foresee an advancement of AI with the ability to codify and model the highly complex ethical parameters of everyday life.

Proposition Types

Relationship Facilitators

Creating and facilitating relationships through enhanced empathy and compatibility.

Proposition Types


Optimising and Editing yourself and your life to meet your personal criteria for success.

Proposition Types

Agency Enhancers

Developing a deeper AI driven understanding of yourself to influence your decisions and optimise for your happiness and prosperity.

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Edit is a lifestyle service that helps you edit things in and out of your life through enriched tracking and mini-experiments.



Spark is a service that helps you discover your financial personality to align it with your consumption and help you make better financial decisions and achieve financial health and wellbeing.



Mymes uses an understanding of people’s behaviour to create simulations of their future to help them make decisions and it distills different sides of their character to help them explore who they are.



EQLS is a digital space where people can speak to AI characters about anything they’d like. They help people learn about themselves and they help life get easier.



Pyro has the best access to the latest and safest physical and mental augmentations on the market. As soon as these products and services are on the market, you can get them from us.



Yolt is a community building app that orchestrates group meetings online and offline by matching people based on the potential quality of a conversation not simply based on being similarly minded.



Eros is essentially a romantic relationship coach and assistant, wrapped into the convenience of an app.



Kinderpendent helps you understand how balanced your child’s online exposure is to challenging social topics and perspectives and manages that exposure through intelligent balancing and censorship tools and offers advice and support for parents and children while navigating big topics.



Empath assesses and builds student’s social intelligence and empathy for other people through in-school, personalised, immersive story-telling.



Mobible is a chatbot that helps connect your faith with you, your life and your community based on church teachings and knowledge decoded from the scripture.



Ethos learns, tracks and guides people’s behaviours to help them live more in line with their values and beliefs.



Qualitime helps you track how everything you do influences your happiness and your life expectancy so that you can decide what is most important to you.



Pulse extends your gaming life outside of the digital space in order to incentivise healthy activities and prevent gaming from becoming detrimental.



Greencoin tracks your environmental impact. When you have a positive impact you earn Greencoin currency which can be spent on sustainable products.

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Live Services

These services are real emergent services responsive to the future.

Live Services


Edit is an app that helps you fill your daily routine with more positive actions than smoking. It’s not about quitting cold turkey or feeling like a patient. It’s just about trying new things and seeing if they work for you and your lifestyle.

Live Services


Quirk is a personal finance app that helps young people learn about and manage their finances according to their personality and interests so that they can ultimately make better financial decisions that align with their life goals.


Live Services


Hold is an app that gives people the personal space to let out whatever is on their mind and relax knowing that it is stored safely. It helps people give structure to their internal dialogue making self reflection become more effective.

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Let's find the place to think, the freedom to challenge and the capability to act on real change. Together.